Previously used Header Images

Tawny Owl Gallery

Welcome to a selection of my Tawny Owl images, every one is of a wild bird that I have been luckily enough to have encountered whilst conducting my surveys. Some encounters are opportunistic whilst the majority take many hours to capture.

I hope you enjoy!

Last Updated - 30.03.16



  1. Hi Paul
    I've just discovered this blog and I'm blown away by it!
    I am an amateur artist looking for quality photos to paint from. Ideally I would love to capture my own although this is very much work in progress!
    Would it be ok to use your photos to paint from?
    I would of course state that it was painted from a photograph taken by you.

  2. No problems Pamela, just send me a message/link to any that you use if you don't mind?

  3. No problems Pamela, just send me a message/link to any that you use if you don't mind?
