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Thursday 7 April 2011

Chick Nicker!

Tonight I had an experimental evening where I wanted to try out my new "speed lite" flash, a much wanted accessory that should enable me to capture some images of my intended quarry......Barn Owls.

Due to the fact that Barn Owls are very much nocturnal creatures (most of the time) and very flighty when out hunting they can be extremely difficult to observe at close quarters let alone get images. Therefore, I have teamed up with Glynn (the local estate gamekeeper) and together we have set  up a "feeding shelf" where free food offerings have left out every other night for the owls. Due to the fact that Glynn is a falconer he has a regular supply of day old chicks (dead ones of course!) and tonight he left one out.

Although all the offerings left out on previous feeding nights had disappeared we weren't sure what was taking it? So at around 7.45pm I positioned my car at the far end of the yard and waited, I had no idea if it would even reveal itself and if it did, would it take the free offerings?

At 8.30pm the light had all but gone and my quarry showed up, the image below reveals the culprit!

Not too bad an image considering it was at distance and the first time I have used my new flash, much better to come when I master how to use it properly!


  1. Sweet photo Rid! Nice job with the flash!!

  2. Thanks to you Phil, your advice got me to go out and buy one!

  3. owl feeding station.... very nice !

  4. Nice shot mate............
