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Sunday 10 April 2011

Not quite!!!!

The light this afternoon was just perfect for high shutter speeds and that only meant one thing......owls in flight! I was moving from site to site to try and find some accommodating owls that would help in my task. At site No 42 near to Kirkby Mallory I found the perfect setting and an obliging owl. I sat watching it as it flew back and forth between two different trees on several occasions. I'm not sure what it was up to but I didn't hesitate any longer and in between flights I set my hide up in the middle. I had to wait around 30 minutes before it continued with its unusual antics but I wasn't complaining as this was a great chance for me to nail that dam illusive "quality flight shot" I so desperately crave.

Any image of an owl in flight is pretty dam difficult to obtain and as with most other peoples images (mine included) they are of either slower flying birds like Barn & Short Ears or ones that have the bird panning across in font of them at an even distance. This owl today made my life an absolute nightmare, I don't think the situation could of got any harder, it was coming straight at me with its undulating flight and very, very fast, almost an impossible task! 

In all I had 7 different fly past opportunities to achieve "the shot" of which I totally wasted a couple of them. However, I wasn't too disappointed with the five " keepers" (below) but they are all nearly shots really, maybe next time? 


  1. Well done indeed, these are wonderful images of a bird so difficult to capture in flight. I agree, they are definite keepers.


  2. Stunning flight shots Paul..You deserve a big pat on the back mate!!

  3. Cheers for your comments guys.
