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Friday 15 April 2011

Is it worthy???

Good news on 3 fronts tonight.........

Firstly the Little Owls at my site No 42 near to Kirkby Mallory have started using the box I erected for them last year.......and about time too!!! Below is a distant image of the hen bird sticking her head out of the entrance hole, the male is in the image too, can you see him???? I bet you can't!!!!!

Secondly, another new Little Owl site was located this evening, taking my overall tally onto 165 territories, soon be on 200!!! I was on my way to the "Wistow feeding site" to see if the Barn Owls would show again but as it was a little too early for them to emerge I opted to kill some time driving around the local lanes.  I was making my way down a very quiet back lane near to Kibworth  when I spotted a single bird in a roadside tree. I drove past, got my camera set up and then drove back very slowly. It was still there and posed nicely for me.

Then unexpectedly it was joined by its mate, the terrible light lead to these terrible images but I'm sure I will be back soon to improve on them.

After the thrill of finding the new Little Owl site time was getting on so I hurried on to the Barn Owl site as I didn't want to miss the male coming out. Glynn the game keeper had again put out some free offering on top of the post so all I had to do was sit in the car and wait, and wait and wait!!!!

After 2 hours the Barnie finally showed and considering it was pitch black I was very pleased with the image I got, so pleased in fact that I have put it at the top of my blog, hope you agree it is worthy enough?


  1. Wow Rid, was a spectacular shot of the Barn Owl. Great use of that new flash and the Little Owls are superb as well. You certainly have the knack for finding them. Nice going!!!

  2. Cheers Phil, all down to your great advice!

  3. You bet it's worthy!!! Beautiful image, Paul. That Speedlight certainly does a good job of illumination!
