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Saturday 16 April 2011

On the wagon....for one night!

Last night I made an astonishing decision, I opted to stake out one of my more recently found Little Owl sites rather than go to the pub! Yes I am very much a creature of habit when it comes to having a few beers on a Friday night but in making the ultimate sacrifice it turned out that I was well rewarded.....

I opted to make my second visit to my site No 162 at Fleckney, I recorded a single owl here on the 26th of last month and I wanted to see if it had a mate, where its nest site was and if possible get an image.

I succeeded in all three objectives and with a nice bonus too! 

The male owl which was very vocal a times.

The male was soon joined by his mate.

And it wasn't long before they were at it!!!

On the way home and near to the village of Foston I had the additional bonus of spotting a Little Owl in a roadside tree in an area where I have never recorded one before. Attaining the image was risky business though, I had to pull half onto the verge of a very busy "fast" road and to make matters even worse it was on a semi-blind bend. The light had all but gone so my only option was to use flash,  I did at least manage this image but it only really qualifies as a "record" shot.!!!

New site No 166 near to Foston

A super couple of hours at site No 162, and a new site which takes my overall tally onto 166, a good decision to stay out I think...........I wouldn't have seen them in the pub!!!!


  1. If this is a result of a night on the wagon, it's time you went tea-total!!! Absolutely brilliant images, Paul!!!

  2. I've been following you. I love this website. I am planning to get to the UK soon for a visit and possible long term. I love to see the countryside. Thank you so much for sharing. Blessings, Janet

  3. Richard & JKW, thanks for your kind comments....
