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Monday 19 September 2011

On a mission!

I have a week off work starting today, (lucky me!) and a few birding/owling trips are planned, so before all the activity commences I thought I'd ease myself in gradually this morning and visit a local owl surprise there then!!

Rather than attempt the normal run of the mill portrait images today I was on a mission, I wanted some action/flight shots, this could prove difficult as owls are notorious for sitting for hours without moving, however I was going to give it a go! Normally for the portrait images the tactics I employ is to try and get as close as possible to the owls (without disturbing them of course) and then try to position myself so as to have an interesting perch or pose with a background as uncluttered as possible. I then edge my bets and try for a flight shot should the situation present itself. I have found this just doesn't work, well not for me anyway! 

What I was going to do today was have the camera set up for high shutter speeds and to keep my distance, this will hopefully allow me to track the owl in flight.......that is if I am quick enough?

During my stake out I did have a few flight opportunities, totally messed most of them up but I did manage to capture a couple of near keepers.They are of reasonable quality but still not what I am after. The light wasn't as good as I'd like and due to me being a little too far away the cropping reduces the quality some what!


Whilst there I also mangaed a few portrait shots (below), I just couldn't resists.......yes I know, I am weak!


  1. Even though you're not perfectly happy with the flight shots Paul, they are absolutely stunning. I think there's something special about a good LO flight shot, and these are certainly that. I saw one fly ONCE and it was RAPID!

  2. Fabulous set of imsges Paul! I think that most people would be over the moon if they got flight shots of LO half as good as these. As for the portraits, the last one is just beautiful. Those eyes in the second portrait image are the most intense yellow I've seen on a LO!

  3. Incredible owl pictures as ever Paul! Superb quality. You have a stunning blog going! I have set up a birding blog today. I'm from the Peak District. Here is my link - I've already added your blog in my blogroll.

  4. Brilliant Rid................
