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Sunday 18 September 2011

Weekend birds.

I managed a few hours at a local owl site on Saturday morning, wasn't there for long as I was off down the footie to watch the mighty Leicester City thrash Brighton, the early table toppers 1-0........get in there!!

The time with the owls was quite productive, some super close up views were had of the four still hanging around juveniles. This image (below) shows a couple of them sitting together and luckily I managed to capture the furthest owl  just as it regurgitates a pellet, uurrrggghhh!

Pellet expulsion.

This morning (Sunday) I had a call from a local birder (cheers John)  he informed me of a very confiding juvenile Kestrel that was showing well at a local site. Off I went in search and eventually I caught up with it, this was by far the best close up views I have ever had of this species and a few images were captured before the weather turned.

Kestrel (juvenile)


  1. like the latest action shot - pretty sure they only cast up 1or2 every day dont they ?

  2. Cheers for your comment Stevie, now you are asking me a question that I just don't know the answer to! I must of clocked up thousands of hours watching Little Owls and this was only the sixth or seventh time I have witnessed it, I'll go along with your theory of 1 or 2 a day???

  3. I reckon I've only seen pellet expulsion twice, but never captured it with the camera. Together with Paul's comment it makes me question the 1 or 2 a day theory, which would equate to 'watch a LO for a couple of hours and you've got 1 in 12 chance (or better) of seeing it cough up a pellet' - unless they usually only do it after dark or in the comfort of their own home!!

    Must say that, for me anyway, the Kestrel image does it - it's an absolute stunner!!

  4. Agree with you Rich the Kestrel shot is stunning great image Paul

  5. Two great images Paul, even including the expulsion moment. Stunning juvenille Kestrel.

  6. Top-class photography on both counts Paul.
