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Sunday 20 May 2012

Barn Owl family

So far this weekend I've not had a chance to get out with the camera, so I thought it was about time to give you an update on the Barn Owl family where we have the nest box cam.

In the screen shot below the whole clan can be seen, mum, dad and the four chicks. The eldest chick is now 8 weeks old, two of its siblings are just a few days behind in terms of age but are catching it up fast in size but the forth chick is still tiny! The tiny one can just be made out in the foreground of the image in amongst the white ball of fluff.

Only time will tell if they all make it to the fledgling stage, I'll keep you updated on any significant developments.


  1. Brilliant news Paul. I'm excited for the coming summer fledging!

  2. Thanks for the update, Paul. We'll all have to keep our fingers crossed for the little'un.

  3. Thanks for the updates. I love that you have a cam to watch these beautiful owlets. Sending good vibes their way:)

  4. Paul....Have just noted you visited Birds2blog, better than that you decided to become a 'Follower' for which I am very grateful, all helps to encourage us 'Bloggers' to keep it up.

    I'm off to take a good look over your blog and will be in touch again son no doubt.
