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Monday 21 May 2012


This evening I was to be found yet again sitting it out in my hide, I was back at one of the local Barn Owl sites that I monitor hoping the birds would show whilst the light was still good. It's a bit hit and miss as to whether or not they will show but one has to put in the hours if the rewards are to be reaped.   Eventually my patience was to be rewarded, it was a long wait but before the sun disappeared over the horizon the cock bird came out hunting.

I could waffle on for ages about how everything just fell into place and how lucky I was but I think I'll just let the images do the talking for me instead as this sequence are possibly amongst my best ever owl images?

Please enjoy and click on any image for larger version.

A defensive posture (below), he wasn't prepared to share his dinner with the mobbing Jackdaw!

Oh and how lucky I was.......for once!


  1. Absolute top quality images, well done Paul.

  2. Thanks Bobbster, kind words indeed!

  3. Wow Rid! These are spectacular!! Lucky indeed..:)

  4. Just reward for the time, effort and research that you have put in mate. Top class indeed. Look at that light!

    1. Yes the light was brilliant Chritian, low and golden.

  5. Stunning images, Paul. I love the action in that second one. It's not often that one gets the chance to see how fearsome that bill is when exposed!!

    I too spent the evening in my hide watching for Barn Owl. It didn't appear until 21.23, when the light was almost totally gone, and it stayed for about 3 seconds. Ended up with one image taken at 3200 ISO and 1/13 second, and fairly rubbish!

    1. Cheers Richard, I am sure that sooner or later you will get your owl in good light, I only had to wait four years!!!

  6. Wow Paul, simply the best. Top draw stuff, I too love the defensive pose. I think your patience has simply paid off. Do you approach farmers to get the best locations?Just for info I am seeing at least 4 Barnies within 3 miles of me.

    1. Thanks for your comments Mike, yes I do approach farmers/land owners to get permission to access the best locations, its the only way really.

  7. Espectaculares tomas, felicidades.
    Un saludo

  8. Wonderful shots, now that's not something you see everyday, great work
